1979 Suzuki GS425E Project
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Photo Shoot
Also, Bike it pretty much done. In this photo shoot, bike ran like crap. I ordered a new rectifier/regulator and a new tail light and got the guy running so good that it now purrrrrrrs....
Thank you
Sunday, March 3, 2013
This motorcycle is 99% complete. It is close. This past week I ordered a new rectifier/regulator for the bike and got it shipped in 3 days. Super stoked because that made it so I could fix it this weekend and see if the regulator would solve all the problems. Well almost all the issues. My points were a little too gapped so I had one cylinder running hot and one cold. Checked the points and closed the gaps a bit to more specified number. Fired up and ran with a very good response to the throttle touch.
The only problem I have ran into is the lights are flickering when idling and will actually shut off while riding at a higher throttle but will come back on when idling just with a flicker.
Sooo the bike is running perfect. I jump on and take off... Holy shit does this little 425 have some kick. I was very surprised actually a few times cause when I turned around I just hit it and almost lost a bit of control.... To be honest, not use to that much power. After tinkering with how responsive it actually is and how much kick it has, John Cooper and I rode some of the town and I frickin missed riding so much!!!
Last thing to fix is the flickering lights but otherwise it is finally done!! 1 year later. Now to help my friend with his wiring harness and get his bike running.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Today we got down and dirty and found a few things out. 1. Shifter seals are not easy to get out. 2. You have to have a lot of patience when cleaning an old engine. 3. My rectifier was the issue all along.
1. I had haggled around with the shifter seal before but didn't get anywhere. Knowing that was my main engine leak and really only one left after changing the head gasket. The shifter seal has been replaced after attempt 2 and about 1 hour each time. I had to shred every bit of rubber off the seal and finally got my needle noses around it enough to pull it out, clean up the area, and get the new one in.
2. Noticing a lot of gas residue stains on the motor from when my pet cock leaked, I ended up taking some 1000 grit sand paper, and polishing the engine up a bit. It takes a long time to get that thing clean. I wasn't able to (because of my aching old man back) sand and clean up all of it, but I did have a can of brake cleaner to help me with the rest of the cleaning. I really don't have to much to clean up, I am just short on time when I actually do work on it.
3. Rectifier is done for. After reading a few articles and doing a few tests, my rectifier is running at 29 volts into the lights. No wonder they blew. So I did end up getting my replacement lights to install, but have to purchase a new rectifier before I end up installing them. So more $$ is needed.
I did also raise the rear springs so hopefully I don't have to move the whole skateboard fender. If the bike still rubs, then I will have to move my skateboard fender. Got some ideas for that.
Few pictures. Shifter seal, side of bike without seat, and wiring cluster eff that probably only makes sense to me. Hopefully will be ordering the rectifier soon. Will update as soon as possible.
See you soon! About 95% finished.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
About 90% Complete

Clean up the engine a bit
Figure out the wiring and blowing the lights
Shifter seal
Raise rear end issue
Replacement clutch lever is in the mail
Make sure this thing is running up to par before taking it farther than a few blocks for fear of breaking down.
Clean up the wiring retainer under my seat
2-1 Exhaust by Little Horse
Sunday, January 6, 2013
And I am back
After a long break of not having any time and absolutely no money to work on this bike, the spring is creeping closer and I am jonsing to finish the product. Started school this past fall and when taking winter break, we had this holiday filled with presents... I got a harbor freight gift card and spend every penny on a rotary tool to clean up the engine. While I am waiting for some money and parts to arrive in the following weeks, I will be starting fall term, working my 47+ hour weeks, spending time with the wife and daughter and squeezing in some skateboarding and motorcycle cleaning. Talk about busy.
So as we come back with my rotary tool I have been wire spindeling my aluminum caps and engine casing and then buffing them to make them clean up real well. As you can see in these photos I have done a bit of it and the engine with the nice brown streaks is the dirty engine as it sits.
I have been talking with a fellow rocker about making me a 2-1 exhaust as well as getting rid of that battery eliminator and going with a small battery to make my lights work as the bike runs. I am excited to start kicking this off ever since my kick start broke in the fall.
All hands on deck, let's finish this bitch and make it ride!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Set Back
I have a serious deadline and that is September 7th (Birthday) when the RockersNW crew will be heading up to Vashon island for a moto show for the weekend. Nicely enough Tony Sonik Miyamoto has offered to let me ride one of his bikes if mine wasn't ready by that time, but hopefully that wont be the case. I really want to get this thing going.
Wish me the best of luck and getting this thing going and if your in the Portland area and want to help me out, I would be lucky enough to have your help and supply some beer in exchange for some knowledge.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wiring Harness and Left To Do
The last picture is of the what is almost complete bike. So close!
Left to do on the bike you ask?
Well I'll tell ya:
Stick air filters on (Coming in today)
Get the gas line from the petcock to carbs
Put Gas in
Put oil in
Make the baffles for the exhaust so it isn't to loud.
Sync Carbs
Buy a plug for the tach hole
I am most worried about the carbs due to cutting 12" off of the exhaust, and running pod filters. So we will find out as soon as I get those other parts finished.
I want to ride now.
Stay tuned